河川砂防技術基準 同解説 計画編

  本資料は、国土交通省河川局監修、社団法人日本河川協会編による、平成20年7月15日発行の「国土交通省 河川砂防技術基準 同解説 計画編」を、(社)日本河川協会の許諾を得て、国土技術政策総合研究所 河川部河川研究室(独)土木研究所 水災害・リスクマネジメントセンター防災チームが共同で翻訳したものです。

pdficon国土交通省 河川砂防技術基準 同解説 計画編」(2,224KB)
「 The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Planning 」


This English version of the technical note is the translation of "The Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Planning"(Editorial Supervisor: River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Editor: Japan River Association) published on July 15, 2008. The translation was jointly done and published by the River Division of the River Department of the National Institute of Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) and the Disaster Prevention Team of the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) with permission of the Japan River Association.

Through the process of editing the initial draft prepared by a translation agency, we made considerable efforts to find and use internationally understandable terminologies and expressions instead of literally translating those only used in Japan. In general, however, we tried to put the original Japanese sentences into English as faithfully as possible with few additional technical explanations. In this sense, manual users should know that to gain full understanding of the contents, they may need other background knowledge which is not described in this version.

We hope that this English version of the technical note will be used internationally in a variety of situations, for example, as a textbook for trainees and a reference to improve river management practices.